Supriyadi Amir (4/25/2008 8:38:56 AM): assalamu’alaikum request to all muslim……Don’t say ” mosque” say ” masjid” coz islam people has found that “mosque” = “mosquitos”…. don’t write “mecca” write corectly ” makkah” coz “mecca”= house of wines..don’t write “mohd” write complitly as ” muhammad”coz”mohd” the dog with big mouth.don’t write “4JJl”write “allah SWT”cz “4JJl” for judas jesus isa almasih . n if u want 2 cut “assalamu’alaikum” say “asslm”not “ass” ass= donkey…. pleas forward it 2 more muslim…
Membangun bisnis dengan nilai-nilai Islam kaffah. Dengan Berjamaah kita lebih kuat.
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